Psalms are among the first known worship songs.
Reading through them, they ran the gamut of
emotions and states, from joy, adoration and
thankfulness to despair, questioning and searching.
Since the events of his life are laid out in
the books of Samuel, it is clear that these
songs were drawn directly from his wrestling
with his faith and his relationship with God.
For Carl Cartee, the songs on his newest release,
Here I Go, were drawn from his own wrestling
with his faith amid difficult circumstances.
Produced by Nathan Nockels and Matt Stanfield,
the result is a deep and honest expression of
worship that seeks to spur the listener to put
feet to their own faith—because Carl believes
that worship is meant to extend beyond that
specific act. From the anthemic “The Glorious
Impossible” and the title track “Here
I Go”, to the pulsing rhythm of “The
Sound” to the contemplative “First”
and “Trust In You,” Carl’s
songs plumb the mysteries and the certainties
of the Christian faith.
As he explains, “Worship music that doesn’t
produce both spiritual and tangible fruit is
one dimensional, and that can’t be. If
we don’t say things and produce music
and think about things that both exalt God and
inspire action in people’s lives, I don’t
know of how much value it is, because I think
the Gospel is both.”
This belief was solidified by events in his
life over the past year. Carl began 2007 with
the humbling realization that he was falling
apart spiritually, emotionally and relationally.
Carl and his wife Heather found out that their
infant son, Oak, lacked the soft spots that
allow a baby’s skull to grow as his brain
develops. The resulting surgery that sectioned
his skull was successful, but the whole incident
threw Carl into a tailspin.
“That experience exposed a bunch of cracks
in my life,” Carl says. “For the
first time in my life, a legit trial tested
my faith and I experienced overwhelming fear.
Up until now, no one in my family has ever died,
nobody had ever been seriously sick. I mean,
I had lived a charmed life. It’s undeserved,
but that’s how it has played out.
“When Oak got sick…we just, in a
lot of ways, especially beneath the surface,
started falling apart. And unfortunately, my
response to that test was opposite of what it
should have been. I just shut down; I didn’t
pray, I didn’t go to a refuge, I just
tried to make one myself.”
As Carl grappled with this realization, “I
said ‘God, please help me. Redeem the
time that I’ve wasted.’ I’d
let my spiritual life, in particular, fall apart,
and every other healthy thing in your life flows
from that. Realigning my life took 6 months.
In the process, I learned I’m hopeless--flat-out
hopeless--without really keeping my eyes properly
focused on Christ and having a realistic perspective
of what my expectations should be. My vision
should be fixed on things so much greater than
my temporary circumstances. And I feel like
through this testing, the Lord is scraping away
the parts of me that needed to get out, so that
the other ideas and dreams could move in.”
--MORE--Two of the songs on Here I Go, “Let
The World See” and “Here I Go,”
were written from the conviction that Carl has
about worship music being more than just an
expression of praise. “That’s what
I’ve been thinking a lot about, so a lot
of songs on the record are rooted in that idea
of engaging the emotions and the intellect.
In John 4, when Jesus talks to the woman at
the well, he says the Father seeks worship in
spirit and in truth, I think the “spirit”
component of that statement is the emotional,
spiritual, intangible expression accompanied
by the truth side, where you express truth in
action by loving people, by giving them a drink
of water, and telling them about Jesus.”
Although Carl wrote “Honestly” with
Anadara Arnold and Elias Dummer prior to the
experience with Oak’s diagnosis and surgery,
the spare arrangement matches the song’s
theme of stripping everything away and the need
to be broken before God, which resonates even
more now. “First” is a song he wrote
seven years ago, but one he felt belonged on
this project. “It’s one of the first
times that I’ve gone back in the song
catalog and dragged out some old material,”
he says, “but I’ve always loved
the idea of the song, and it says to God ‘You
will be first, you will be all, you will be
everything.’ I felt like, having gone
through what we just waded through over this
past year, my perspective really needed to be
refreshed by the ideas in that song and to bring
it back to my mind. God has always used songs
that I write to teach me lessons.”
As a staff writer for Brentwood –Benson
Music Publishing and a part of the worship leader
staff of Fellowship Bible Church, equipping
other worship leaders has always been a component
of Carl’s ministry, but in the past that
has generally taken the form of one-on-one mentoring.
Now he and his wife Heather feel called to create
a new method of equipping and have created their
first worship conference, called Inspire. Part
of his goal is to encourage worship leaders
and songwriters to dig deep with their art.
“That’s why I think that emphasizing
personal devotion and inspiring and encouraging
the idea of ‘Why do you read books? Why
do you play Halo? Why is one better than the
other?’--those kinds of things are what
the conference is about,” he continues.
“And I’m so excited about the opportunity
to put something on. I don’t think I could
know less about what I’m doing; I think
I am more ill-equipped for this than I ever
have been for any other thing in my life, with
the exception of really knowing that mentoring
and encouraging people and bringing along people
and helping them has always been a component
of my calling.”
2007 may have been a difficult year for Carl
Cartee, but Here I Go proves that God does work
all things together for the good of those who
worship him.